Were using an Exchange 2013 SP1 in a Server 2012 enviroment
In Active Directory we have a structure like this:
In Office 1 (and 2) are User for Helpdesk with the role "Mail Recipients"
Now is the question: Helpdesk Office 1 should see only recipients of Offe1, and Heldesk Office 2 only Mail user from Office2
Ive tried this:
In ECP Gui, for the both Heldpdeskuser, in Administratorroles I told them: Organisation Unit contoso.de/Hamburg/Office1
But the helpdeskuser can see ALL Mailuser
Second try:
in the Gui, Ive tried in OU: CN=office1,CN=Hamburg,dc=contoso,dc=de
same (the User can see everything)
next try:
New-ManagementScope -Name Scope Office1 -RecipientRestrictionFilter { (DistinguishedName -Like *,ou=office1,ou=hamburg,dc=contoso,dc=de) }
and then in gui set the User to the scope
Result: the helpdeskuser can see all Mail User
What have I to do????
best regards from germany
Lutz Rahe
- Edited by Lutz Rahe Monday, March 24, 2014 9:13 AM